
Devising Surgeries


Devising Surgeries

Bruiser Theatre Company is widely studied as a chosen practitioner across all major exams boards. An aspect of many courses is interpreting a piece of theatre in the style of a chosen practitioner, and many post-primary schools often study the work of the company and our Artistic Director, Lisa May

We can assist you with your own key texts and interpreting them in the Bruiser style. Our team of experienced Bruiser facilitators are available for consultation sessions and devising surgeries on GCSE, Alevel and BTEC performance pieces; devised or scripted.

“These two weeks have really fired me up as an actor to keep learning my craft and challenging myself. We’re so lucky to have a theatre company like Bruiser here in Northern Ireland.” - Graduate Academy Participant
“Definitely good value for money – I came home everyday exhausted! It was definitely tough … but it was a really good challenge! I’m thoroughly glad that I did it and I have an even greater appreciation for Bruiser’s style.” - Graduate Academy Participant
“This is a style I’ve never experienced before but always loved to watch on stage. It was challenging but also extremely enjoyable … it really pushed me as an actor.” - Graduate Academy Participant