
Excite Engage Inspire

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We Are Bruiser

Bruiser Theatre Company is Northern Ireland’s foremost physical theatre company, producing high quality theatre that excites, engages and inspires audiences.

More About Bruiser

What's On

by Joe Kinosian and Kellen Blair Murder for Two view production
A Day With Bruiser

A full-day crash course for Drama students across Northern Ireland.

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Learn with Bruiser

Training Professional Development for Young People in the Arts
Education Workshops and Digital Resources
"The facilitator was really enthusiastic and complimentary – my Year 13s really needed a wee boost so this was great. They facilitated a really useful discussion about Bruiser’s style and then gave bespoke feedback to each group which was really useful. I got some great ideas for moving forward back in the room, which we started putting into practice today." - St. Malachy's Grammar School
“The Year 14s did their assessment yesterday and were SUPERB! Your notes REALLY helped!" Sacred Heart