
A Day With Bruiser



A Day With Bruiser is a full-day crash course for Drama students across Northern Ireland.

It is your opportunity to get to grips with and explore Bruiser's unique physical theatre style. These full-day events are aimed at KS3, GCSE, AS, A2 Level and BTEC students studying Drama, Performing Arts and Theatre courses. A Day With Bruiser consists of three workshops delivered by Bruiser’s team of expert facilitators. Course content is specifically tailored to the requirements of all major exam boards.


“All three sessions and their practical nature were engaging and very interactive.” - Teacher Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023
“This is a fantastic opportunity for students to engage with a local theatre company … A great opportunity to focus on the Bruiser style. Games and exercises can be lifted straight into the classroom.” - Rathmore Grammar School
“I learnt how to challenge myself and to not be scared to do anything and it is not all about being the best.” - Student Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023
“Excellent energetic facilitators who handled the different group dynamics with confidence and professionalism. Adding performance at the end of the day to show how techniques are used by the professionals was very valuable.” - Teacher Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023
"A great breadth of work was covered … A very comprehensive introduction and valuable insight into how to marry text, physicality and rhythms of sound into productions. Learnt a lot, and the facilitators were great. Very knowledgable and passionate.” - Methodist College Belfast
“This day has opened my eyes and made me realise this is something I want to go and do more in the future.” - Student Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023
100 % of teachers said they would be interested in attending again. - Teacher Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023
“Facilitators create a great rapport with students and they appear comfortable. Facilitators’ energy is great!” - Strathearn School
“The Bruiser team had a fantastic relationship with the students working to make them feel comfortable in the space.” - Teacher Feedback, A Day With Bruiser 2023